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Neighborhood mediator

Neighborhood mediator

Organisation role · Flexible hours
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Community & family

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Jolanda BorggreveAsk Jolanda a question
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Buurtbemiddeling Enschede
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Neighbor quarrel: “The neighbor is scolded every day by her neighbor and wonders:
was it so bad to ask if the music could be softer? ”

Detailed description

What do you do as a neighborhood mediator:

- After reading the report, you and a colleague mediator go on a home visit to the neighbor who reported it.

- Together you listen to the story and the experience of this neighbor (and hopefully you will get a nice cup of coffee).

- Then you unexpectedly go with your fellow mediator, visit the other neighbor, the possible culprit and through the eyes of the first neighbor, a terrible person.

- Together you listen to the story and the experience of this neighbor. Often the same story… but the other way around.

- You remain neutral and impartial and look for the common interest of the neighbors.

- You and your fellow neighborhood mediator try to get the quarrelsome around the table, under your guidance and with your support.

- Having a mediation meeting together and helping to ensure that they leave the house smiling.

It is good to know that you always go out with an experienced neighborhood mediator.

In addition, we are happy to help you further develop your skills. You can follow a variety of training courses with us, such as intuitive mediation, mediating with vulnerable people, deepening coaching skills, discussing feelings, stimulating your own strength, etc.

And ... .. know there is already a fight between the neighbors, so you can't make it worse.

The neighborhood mediator we are looking for:

- has good ears

- is patient wants to help people so that they can live next to each other comfortably

- can make people feel like they are being heard

- is open to many different opinions

- wants to get to know new worlds

- like a cup of coffee or tea

This makes it extra fun for you:

This work is very educational, you develop skills

In-depth training tailored to your needs

Lots of personal attention

Team building activities

· “Neighborhood Mediators” are very nice people to get to know

You participate in the further development of neighborhood mediation

You manage your own agenda (No time? No problem.)

So peacemaker, has this vacancy triggered you?

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
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About Buurtbemiddeling Enschede

Mediate in disputes between neighbors.
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