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Flex volunteer for casual jobs

Flex volunteer for casual jobs

Project role (Temporary) · Flexible hours · For around 6 months
Aventurijn, Houten, Utrecht 3991 SC, Nederland
Foreign aid and disaster reliefPoverty reductionSocial justice
9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure11 Sustainable cities and communities17 Partnerships for the goals

Contact person

Gerbrand HollandAsk Gerbrand a question
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Amnesty Houten
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Do you like to jump in every now and then? Sign up as a flex volunteer and we will send an email if we need help!

Detailed description

We regularly organize activities where you can lend a hand. This can be done, for example, when setting up an event, for administrative jobs or as a hostess or hostess at one of our promotions. You decide which activity you participate in. Do you like to jump in every now and then? Sign up as a flex volunteer and we will send an email if we need help

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About Amnesty Houten

Amnesty Houten is there for everyone, young and old
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