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Administrators for our hotlines (National)

Administrators for our hotlines (National)

Organisation role · 2–7 hrs/Week
From home
Animal welfare

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Amivedi is a volunteer organization that has been committed to missing and found pets in the Netherlands since 1933.

Detailed description

Amivedi is looking for permanent volunteers for our hotlines. Amivedi operates from approximately 110 hotlines, spread across the country. Each hotline receives reports from a specific area and each hotline is run by one of the volunteers.


As a permanent employee of Amivedi, you support one of our hotlines.

→ You can register lost and found pets from home and with the help of your (own) computer and telephone.

→ While you will not interact with the animals themselves, you will help pet owners and finders reunite missing and found animals. You will use the Amivedi database, but you will also work with animal shelters, animal ambulances and other agencies.

→ Your role is both advisory and administrative. You check the reports that come in, place them on our website and give tips to the reporters.


What do we offer?:

An opportunity to gain work experience in a unique organization.

→ Volunteers are not paid for their work, but expenses are reimbursed.


What volunteers need

🗣️ Native language skills

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs
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About Amivedi

Become a volunteer at Amivedi!
Do you, like us, love pets, care about their fate, and enjoy being socially active? Then we are looking for you! Amivedi is involved in registering missing and found pets. All our volunteers work from home with the computer and telephone. We have 110 national hotlines and an extensive website on which people register their animals by our volunteers. We do not come into contact with the animals themselves, but with the owners, finders, animal shelters, animal ambulances, veterinarians, police, municipalities, etc.
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